Containerize your Conda environment

3 phases to containerize a conda/mamba environment for ease of use

Sami Islam
5 min readOct 1, 2023


Containerize your conda environment
unDraw by Katerina Limpitsouni

Recently I read somewhere (most likely in medium) that it is becoming increasingly important to containerize a conda environment for ease of use. Since I have recently done something equivalent, why not post it here?

I am going to show how to containerize a mamba which according to them is “a fast drop-in alternative to conda”. The setup that I use is as follows:

  • Windows 10
  • Docker Desktop for Windows v4.24.0
  • Visual Studio Code to put together the docker files

Phase 1: Basic setup to containerize a conda environment

The Dockerfile to setup a conda environment based on your own settings is as follows:

FROM condaforge/mambaforge:23.3.1-0

RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y curl vim-tiny

ADD env .


# Setup mamba environment
RUN chmod 755 \
&& /bin/sh -c "./"


CMD tail -f /dev/null

It uses the mambaforge image as the base image. It copies the 3 files described below from the env folder into the root folder inside the container. It exposes port 8888 which is where the JupyterLab…

